Rules of communication, or waterfall of kindness

""For success in life, the ability to communicate with people is much more important than having talent"
John Lubbock

​​​​​​​It often happens that we, adults, talk about good things, teach children to communicate with each other correctly. At the same time, children are well integrated into the conversation, seem to understand and follow the rules of behavior. But this is while they are under the attention of adults. They themselves often communicate according to their own rules, without understanding each other. Because of these misunderstandings, resentments arise.

Last week I decided to test an interesting game called ""Waterfall of kindness"".


- development of communication skills among children on a positive level. Increase motivation to do good deeds.

A conversation was held: ""Each person differs from the other not only in appearance, but also in what actions they perform. But we also have something in common: we all communicate and can understand each other. So we'll draw a waterfall. Waterfall is what we all have – mutual understanding. It can be different. Draw it as you see it. This is your waterfall."

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Each child drew their own waterfall. For a whole week, the children received two tasks per day. When completing the task, they taped a strip of ""water"" on the waterfall. At the end of the week, the one with the most stripes became the winner.



""Say good day to everyone you see."

- My good deed today.


- Give your classmates or someone you like a compliment.

- Wish a good, happy day to whoever you want.


- Write a written wish to your friend, girlfriend.

- What did I find for the new year's holiday? With whom to share?


- I learned a poem, a song.

""I helped my parents.

Friday. Summarizing.

- This week I did... (my actions during the week)

- I learned five kind words that helped me communicate.

On Friday, we had a conversation about what we managed to accomplish during the week? What difficulties were there? What was your favorite thing to do? The three best candidates for the victory were awarded. Interestingly, all 23 students joined the game. On the first day, everyone had their own waterfall. By the end of the week, there were only 16 waterfalls. Of these, the most responsible were six. This observation helped me understand that everyone wants to do a good job, but when faced with certain difficulties, someone throws the next day, someone stumbles halfway, someone skillfully adds from themselves so that there are more strips of paper with good deeds, and someone responsibly goes to the goal.

So I decided to extend our game and take stock at the end of the month. The children received a new task: to draw their own waterfall, where they will add one strip every day for a month (one task per day), if they completed it.


  • My good deed today. Count how many times you said thank you today.
  • Smile at your friend. Give him three compliments.
  • Bring a note from your mother to tell her how you can help her today.
  • My good deed today.
  • Participation in the game ""Wizards and citizens"".
  • Address all your colleagues by name.
  • My good deed today.
  • Day of goodwill. ""I'm the most friendly person today, because..."" we
  • Greet each other joyfully when we enter the classroom.
  • Write down the five qualities of a good person.
  • Who is your favorite character and why?
  • My good deed today.
  • What can I do for my family?
  • What can I do for my class?
  • Write down how many friends you have.
  • My good deed today.
  • I was told today that I... (write all the best things about yourself)
  • Be polite, attentive, and respectful at school and at home today.
  • Who and what did you concede today?
  • Tell the truth to your face, but tactfully.
  • My good deed today.
  • I'm good because…

You can change tasks every month, continuing to develop the game to get a 100% result. After all, everyone knows that water does not flow under a lying stone.

Playing this game, children cultivate kindness, sensitivity, responsibility, and tact. Is it important? Of course, because this is how the ability to understand a person manifests itself.