Types of motivation

There are many types of motivation. First of all, the motivation of other people differs from the motivation of a person themselves, from self-motivation.

In addition, motivation can be natural or artificial. Natural motivation - occurs due to natural causes and circumstances, and artificial-created by people for the purpose of certain influences.

A tired person in the evening wants to find a bed for the night, a frozen person-seeks warmth. This is a natural motivation. TV ads for sneakers, deodorants, and washing powders that play with colors, sounds, and images are artificially created motivations.

Motivation can be positive and negative, it is the same motivation ""to"" and motivation ""from"". Positive motivation, an aspiration, is based on positive incentives or positivity contained in the fact. On the negative - the negative motivation and avoidance.

""If I clean up the table, I'll get candy"" or ""if I don't mess around, I'll get candy"" - positive motivation. ""If I clean up the table, I will not be punished"" or ""if I do not mess around, I will not be punished"" - negative motivation.

In general, motivation refers to mild forms of influence (in comparison with physical influence and other means of coercion), but in the performance of different people, motivation can occur very differently. If the motivation performed by ""darling"" - an appeal to the senses, the Enforcer works harder: it hits the feelings and puts pressure on the feelings.

There is an external motivation, but there is also internal motivation. External motivation — an incentive or compulsion to do something by external circumstances or incentives for a person.

A thundercloud on the horizon is very motivating to quickly run home from the forest. Promised people a bonus? They began to move faster.

Internal motivation — motivation that is not related to external circumstances, but to the very content of the activity.

I don't work for a salary, I love what I do. Here I have everything to be happy.

If a business is well paid for, it is an external motivation; if a business is interesting to a person in itself, it is an internal motivation. In this case, external motivation can be motivation from the outside (carrot, incentive, organization of the situation) and motivation from the inside (through the management of the vision of the situation, feelings and state).

Sometimes there is a difference between reactive motivation (due to what happened, due to guilt, opportunities, or mistakes) and proactive motivation (due to plans for the future).

At work, it is important to remember that motivation can be material and non-material.

Material - encouragement with money or valuable gifts, non-material-ways to interact with an employee that demonstrate recognition and its significance in the company. But corporate events, arrangement of convenient workplaces, medical insurance and similar things where the employee does not seem to get anything on hand, but the employer spends money are difficult to attribute to material or non-material motivation.