Education of nobles and aristocrats

Education of nobles and aristocrats

From the outside, the life of nobles and aristocrats can seem like a continuous holiday and incessant entertainment. This is not true at all. Yes, public appearances, balls, salon conversations and personal correspondence-all this was, but the life of the nobles was more like a strict ritual, for the high-quality performance of which required upbringing from childhood. Very tough upbringing!

Rules of communication, or waterfall of kindness

Rules of communication, or waterfall of kindness

""For success in life, the ability to communicate with people is much more important than having talent"
John Lubbock

When a child lies to you

When a child lies to you

Фильм ""Ликвидация""

Teens in crisis? We won't have it!

Teens in crisis? We won't have it!

​​​​​​​Denis is eleven, and he began to argue strongly with us - with me and my wife. On any issue, he has his own opinion, and he is across. This is joyful because the son is growing up smart, but dangerous because we may lose control of our very, very lively child. This is undesirable. What should I do?
I can talk Best. So I started doing it: after dinner, we finished our tea, the three of us - my son, my wife, and I-and I started talking to my wife and then to Denis. I said:

Как отстаивать свою точку зрения?

Как отстаивать свою точку зрения?

​​​​​​​Уметь повлиять на собеседника, убедить в своей правоте, воздействовать на сознание людей — это целое искусство. И счастлив тот, кто им овладел. Такой человек имеет огромное преимущество во всех сферах жизни, связанных с коммуникацией, общением, переговорами. И для овладения этим искусством в первую очередь надо научиться разделять ситуации, в которые мы попадаем, по двум основным категориям.